Thales of Miletus

Gerlach, Eric. "Greek Philosophy 3: The Milesian School - Thales, Anaximander & Anaximenes." A Skeptical and Global Guide to the History of Human Thought,, December 25, 2015.

McKirahan, Richard D. Philosophy Before Socrates: An Introduction with Texts and Commentary, 2nd edition. Hackett Publishing, 2011.

O'Grady, Patricia. "Thales of Miletus." The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ISSN 2161-0002,, December 25, 2015.

O'Grady, Patricia. Thales of Miletus: The Beginning of Western Science and Philosophy, vol. 58 of Western Philosophy. Ashgate, 2002.

"Thales of Miletus." Guide to the World's Philosophers,, December 25, 2015.

John Snow | Math 142 | CUNE